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STOPPING: A Meditation Mini-Retreat

STOPPING: A Meditation Mini-Retreat

Meditating together to calm the mind & warm the heart

Appropriate for beginners and experienced meditators

$20 to $45 or whatever you can donate

Drop-in OK - Preregistration appreciated


This 2.5 hour mini-retreat provides an opportunity in our busy lives to stop, turn inward, calm the mind and warm the innate good heart. There will be brief introductory meditation instructions in how to practice calm abiding (unifying the mind with a chosen object) and compassion (being present with warmth and unconditional caring for ourselves and others.

Chairs, cushions, blankets and bolsters will be available for sitting. Please arrive between 12:45 and 12:55 PM so we can start together. The schedule will alternate brief instructions with periods of meditation of 20 minutes or less. Participants can feel free to stand up or change their position if needed. There will be an intro to walking meditation and an opportunity for brief Q&A. Feel free to contact Shana if you have any questions at 401-258-3056 or